Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Socialization 2014

       September 27, 2014. It was the day of the College of Education's Socialization with its motif #Throwback "Remembering First Day High". The CEd students had the chance to choose what "High" they belong, whether they are in Rebel, Sossy, Demure, Sporty or Geek. The Rebel High are the blacks, the Sossy High are the violets or pinks, the Demure or Nice Guy High are the greens or blues, the Sporty or MVP High are the reds, and the Geek or Brainy High are the yellows.

The affair was an awesome night. All of the CEd students really enjoyed the socialization. Honestly,  I, myself, had fun during the night and this socialization was one of the most unforgettable parties that I had. I wore a brainy-type attire that I thought this suit my personality as an ordinary student of Notre Dame University. Unexpectedly, during the socialization I was one of the nominees in the Demure or Nice Guy High and I was so shy to have a ramp in the red carpet because I never had an experience in joining a pageant or a model search. But, then, I just enjoyed the moment when I ramped in the red carpet because I had no choice. During the night, I also received two certificates. The first certificate was for the honor's convocation last second semester. Luckily, I am second honor. Then, the second certificate was for the appreciation of my active participation in helping the first year CEd students during the Freshies Day 2014. Eventually, the night was really a worth remembering affair where this will be kept in my long-term memory because it was so meaningful to me.

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